Air Fryer Error Code E1 – What is it and to Fix!

Air fryers have become a popular kitchen appliance, offering a healthier way to enjoy your favorite fried foods.

However, like any other device, air fryers can sometimes encounter issues, such as the E1 error code.

The E1 error code typically indicates a problem with the fryer’s sensor or a broken circuit.

The specific meaning of the error code may vary depending on the brand of your air fryer but don’t worry.

With a proper understanding of the potential causes, you can quickly identify the problem and apply the right solution to fix your air fryer.

Before we delve into different ways to resolve the E1 error code, check if your air fryer is correctly plugged into an outlet and that no residual oil is left in the device. 

By taking these preliminary measures, you might be able to prevent the error from appearing altogether and continue enjoying your delicious, crispy creations.

Understanding Error Code E1 in Air Fryers

If you see Error Code E1 on your air fryer, it is vital to understand its meaning before attempting any fixes.

In general, the E1 error code indicates an electrical issue within the appliance or a problem with the placement of the basket.

Different air fryer models may have specific reasons for displaying the E1 error code.

In a PowerXL or Instant Vortex air fryer, an E1 code signifies a broken circuit of the thermal sensor, while in a Ninja Air Fryer, it generally means overheating due to overfilling.

In Gourmia air fryers, the E1 error indicates a wiring failure, which requires proper reconnection.

To address the E1 error code, consider the following potential causes and solutions depending on your specific air fryer model:

  • PowerXL or Instant Vortex: Contact support to fix the broken thermal sensor circuit.
  • Ninja Air Fryer: Remove content from the basket and allow the appliance to cool down for at least 30 minutes before switching it back on.
  • Gourmia Air Fryer: Check all wires and connections, ensuring they are firmly connected and functioning correctly.

By understanding your air fryer’s specific error code E1 meaning and following the appropriate steps to resolve the issue, you can continue enjoying delicious and healthy dishes prepared with ease.

Also read: Why Does My Air fryer Keep Shutting Off?

Causes of Error Code E1 in Air Fryers

In this section, we’ll discuss the common causes of the E1 error code in air fryers.

We’ll cover three main issues: faulty temperature sensors, wiring issues, and control board problems. 

Understanding these causes can help you troubleshoot and fix your air fryer more efficiently.

Faulty Temperature Sensors

One possible cause of the E1 error in your air fryer is a malfunctioning temperature sensor.

A sensor might fail if it’s damaged or dirty, leading to inaccurate temperature readings. 

Keep in mind that replacing a sensor can be a delicate task, so it’s a good idea to consult the air fryer manual or seek professional assistance.

Wiring Issues

Another common cause of the E1 error code is wiring issues.

Loose connections, frayed wires, or even overheating can disrupt the communication between the different parts of your air fryer, leading to the error code. 

To troubleshoot, turn off and unplug your air fryer, then examine the wiring for any obvious issues.

If you notice anything unusual, consider reaching out to a professional for assistance.

Control Board Problems

Finally, the E1 error code could indicate an issue with your air fryer’s control board.

Control boards are responsible for managing the various functions of the device, and if they malfunction, you might experience errors like E1. 

In this case, you can try resetting your air fryer by unplugging it, waiting for about 10 minutes, and plugging it back in.

If the error persists, it might be time to contact customer support or seek professional help with replacing the control board.

By understanding these key causes of the E1 error code, you’ll be better prepared to diagnose and address the issue with your air fryer.

Remember, always consult your air fryer’s manual or customer support for guidance when attempting any repairs.

Also read: Air Fryer Not Turning On – Possible Reasons + Fixes!

Troubleshooting Error Code E1

In this section, we will discuss how to troubleshoot and fix the E1 error code in your air fryer.

We will cover the following sub-sections: Checking the Sensors, Inspecting Wiring, and Examining the Control Board.

Checking the Sensors

First, let us focus on checking the sensors. If your air fryer displays an E1 error code, it typically means there is an issue with the temperature sensor.

To troubleshoot this, follow these steps:

  • Unplug the air fryer and let it cool down completely.
  • Inspect the temperature sensor for any visible damage or debris.
  • Clean the sensor, if necessary, using a soft cloth or brush.
  • Plug the air fryer back in and check if the error code persists.

If the E1 error code remains, the temperature sensor might need to be replaced.

Inspecting Wiring

Another possible cause of the E1 error code could be faulty wiring.

Loose or damaged connections can lead to electrical problems in your air fryer. To check the wiring:

  • Unplug the air fryer and let it cool down.
  • Consult your user manual to locate the wiring connections.
  • Check for any loose, frayed, or damaged wires.

If you find any issues, contact customer support or a qualified technician to make the necessary repairs.

Examining the Control Board

The control board is responsible for managing your air fryer’s functions.

If the E1 error code persists after checking the sensors and wiring, the control board may be the issue. To inspect the control board:

  • Unplug the air fryer and allow it to cool.
  • Refer to your user manual to locate the control board.
  • Check for any visible damage or signs of overheating.

If you suspect that the control board is faulty, contact customer support for further assistance.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and fix the E1 error code in your air fryer.

Always prioritize safety by turning off and unplugging the air fryer before attempting any repairs or inspections.

Also read: Air Fryer Error Code e2 – How to Fix! | Air Fryer Error Code E3

Fixing Error Code E1

In this section, we’ll discuss how to fix Error Code E1 in your air fryer through various methods:

Replacing Temperature Sensors

If your air fryer flashes an E1 error code, it could mean there’s an issue with the temperature sensor.

Start by checking if the sensor is clean and free of debris. If cleaning doesn’t solve the problem, consider replacing the sensor:

  • Unplug your air fryer and let it cool down
  • Remove the damaged sensor
  • Install a new temperature sensor according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test your air fryer to ensure the error code is gone

Repairing or Replacing Wiring

Another possible cause of the E1 error is a broken circuit. To fix this issue:

  • Unplug the air fryer and let it cool down completely
  • Inspect the wiring for any visible damages
  • Repair or replace the damaged wires, ensuring they’re securely connected
  • Reassemble the air fryer, plug it in, and check if the error code has been resolved

Replacing the Control Board

If the E1 error persists despite trying the previous fixes, it might indicate a problem with the air fryer’s control board.

To replace the control board:

  • Consult your air fryer’s user manual for instructions on replacing the control board specific to your model
  • Unplug your air fryer and remove the damaged control board carefully
  • Install the new control board according to the manufacturer’s guidelines
  • Reassemble the air fryer, plug it in, and test it to confirm the E1 error code is fixed

By following these steps, you should be able to fix the E1 error code and get your air fryer back to functioning properly.

Also read: 10 Air Fryer Mistakes to Avoid

What Does Error Code E1 Mean for Different Air Fryers

Error code E1 might have different meanings for different air fryers.

Let’s discuss the E1 error code for a few popular air fryer models and how to resolve them.

Gourmia Air Fryers E1 Error

For Gourmia air fryers, the E1 error code means that the pan might be missing or incompatible.

To resolve this issue, you should:

  • Check whether your cookware is compatible with your Gourmia air fryer.
  • If your pan is not compatible, replace it with an appropriate one.

Instant Vortex Air Fryers E1 Error

In Instant Vortex air fryers, an E1 error code indicates a broken circuit of the thermal sensor.

To fix the issue, you should:

  • Contact Instant Vortex customer support for assistance.
  • Follow their guidance for possible solutions or part replacements.

PowerXL Air Fryers E1 Error

In PowerXL air fryers, the E1 error code also signifies a broken circuit of the thermal sensor.

To resolve it:

  • Contact PowerXL customer support for help.
  • Adhere to their instructions for potential repairs or replacements.

Ninja Air Fryers E1 Error

The E1 error code for Ninja air fryers usually means that the device is overheating due to overfilling.

To fix this problem, you should:

  • Remove some content from the basket.
  • Turn on the air fryer after allowing it to cool down for 30 minutes.

Philips Air Fryers E1 Error

For Philips air fryers, the E1 error code often indicates a malfunctioning temperature sensor.

To solve this issue, you can:

  • Check the temperature sensor for cleanliness and ensure it is free of debris.
  • If the problem persists, consider replacing the temperature sensor.

Preventing Future Error Code E1 Occurrences

One way to prevent future occurrences of the E1 error code in your air fryer is to check if the basket fits correctly.

Regularly cleaning the basket can help with this issue. For Gourmia air fryers, an E1 error code can mean that the basket isn’t fitting properly.

Additionally, using compatible cookware with your air fryer can help avoid the E1 error. For Ninja and Gourmia air fryers, the E1 error code can indicate that the cookware is not suitable.

Another preventive measure involves proper air fryer placement. To avoid overheating and error codes, maintain at least 15 cm of distance between the exhaust port and any objects or walls.

This allows for adequate airflow and helps prevent overheating issues.

Keep an eye on the contents of your air fryer as well. Overfilling the basket may lead to overheating and an E1 error code.

If your Ninja air fryer experiences this issue, remove some content from the basket. 

Let the air fryer cool down for 30 minutes before turning it back on. 

This simple step can help prevent E1 error occurrences due to overfilling.

How to Clean and Maintain the Air Fryer 

Cleaning and maintaining your air fryer helps to prevent issues such as the E1 error code.

Here are some tips on how to clean and maintain your air fryer properly:

  1.  Always unplug your air fryer and let it cool down before cleaning it.
  2. Wipe the inside and outside of your air fryer with a damp cloth or sponge. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that can damage the appliance.
  3. Remove the basket and wash it with warm, soapy water. You can also put it in the dishwasher if it’s dishwasher-safe.
  4. Clean the heating element and fan with a soft brush or cloth to remove any debris or buildup.
  5. Dry all parts thoroughly before reassembling the air fryer.

In addition to cleaning, proper maintenance can also prevent issues with your air fryer.

Here are some tips on how to maintain your air fryer properly:

  • Check the power cord and regularly plug for any damage or kinks.
  • Place the air fryer on a flat, stable surface to prevent it from tipping over.
  • Avoid overfilling the basket with food, as it can cause overheating and other issues.
  • Use compatible cookware with your air fryer to prevent damage to the appliance.

Tips on How to Use Air Fryer Correctly to Avoid Overheating 

Using your air fryer correctly can prevent issues like overheating. Here are some tips on how to use your air fryer properly:

  • Preheat your air fryer before adding food to ensure that it cooks evenly.
  • Avoid overfilling the basket with food as it can cause uneven cooking and overheating.
  • Shake the basket occasionally during cooking to ensure that the food cooks evenly.
  • Use the recommended temperature and cooking time for each food item to prevent overcooking or undercooking.
  • Avoid placing the air fryer near any heat sources, such as stovetops or ovens, to prevent overheating.

When to Seek Professional Help

In some cases, more complex issues with your air fryer may require professional help or contacting customer support.

Here are some signs that indicate when to seek professional help or contact customer support:

  • The E1 error code persists even after troubleshooting steps have been taken
  • The air fryer is making unusual noises or emitting strange odors
  • The air fryer is not heating up or cooking food properly
  • The air fryer is damaged or has visible signs of wear and tear

In such cases, it’s important to seek professional help or contact customer support to prevent further damage to the appliance.

FAQ Section about E1 Error Code and Air Fryer Troubleshooting

Here I am sharing some common questions about the E1 error code and air fryer troubleshooting. 

What Does the E1 Error Code Mean?

The E1 error code on an air fryer usually means that there is an issue with the appliance’s heating system.

It could be a faulty temperature sensor, a wiring issue, or a control board problem. Go through the manufacturer’s booklet and contact customer care for support.

How Can I Fix the E1 Error Code?

To fix the E1 error code, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Turn off the air fryer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Let the air fryer cool down for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Check the heating element and thermostat for any damage or signs of wear and tear.
  4. Clean the air fryer thoroughly to remove any debris or buildup that may be causing the error code.

If the issue persists, contact the manufacturer or professional repair service for assistance.

Why is My Air Fryer Overheating?

An air fryer can overheat if it’s overcrowded with food, the air vents are blocked, or if there is a malfunction with the appliance’s heating system. 

To prevent overheating, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for food capacity and placement, clean the air vents regularly, and perform regular maintenance on the appliance.

How Do I Clean My Air Fryer Properly?

To clean your air fryer properly, follow these steps:

  • Unplug the air fryer and let it cool down completely.
  • Remove the basket and wash it with warm, soapy water or place it in the dishwasher if it’s dishwasher-safe.
  • Use a soft brush or cloth to clean the heating element and fan.
  • Wipe the inside and outside of the air fryer with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Dry all parts thoroughly before reassembling the air fryer.

Can I Put the Air Fryer Basket in the Dishwasher?

It depends on the air fryer model. Some air fryer baskets are dishwasher-safe, while others are not.

Check the manufacturer’s instructions to see if your air fryer basket is dishwasher-safe.

How Often Should I Clean My Air Fryer?

It’s recommended to clean your air fryer after every use to prevent buildup and ensure that the appliance functions properly.

However, you can also perform a deep clean every few weeks or as needed.

Why is My Food Not Cooking Evenly in the Air Fryer?

Uneven cooking in the air fryer can be caused by a few factors, such as overcrowding the basket, not shaking the basket during cooking, or using the wrong temperature or cooking time for the food item.

To ensure even cooking in the air fryer, follow these tips:

Don’t overcrowd the basket with food. Leave some space between the food items to allow for even air circulation.

Shake the basket occasionally during cooking to ensure that the food cooks evenly on all sides.

Use the recommended temperature and cooking time for each food item. If the food is not cooked to your liking, adjust the temperature or cooking time accordingly.

How Do I Know When My Food is Done in the Air Fryer?

The best way to know when your food is done cooking in the air fryer is to use a meat thermometer or check the internal temperature of the food. 

The recommended internal temperature for different types of food can vary, so check the manufacturer’s instructions or a reliable cooking resource for specific guidelines.

You can also visually check the food for a golden brown color or crispiness, depending on the food item.


In dealing with the E1 error code on your air fryer, it’s essential to pinpoint the specific issue unique to your appliance.

Different brands may have various meanings for the E1 error, such as overheating, a broken sensor circuit, or an improperly placed basket.

As a general starting point, always unplug your air fryer and let it cool down.

Verify if the basket is correctly placed, and check for any kinks in the power cord. If your air fryer still doesn’t work, contact the manufacturer’s customer service for further assistance.

Remember, maintaining your air fryer and using it according to the manufacturer’s guidelines can prevent errors like the E1 code.

Keep your appliance clean, avoid overfilling it, and use compatible cookware to ensure optimal performance.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you’ll be back to enjoying your favorite air-fried dishes in no time. Happy fixing!

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I’m Jueria and I am a regular contributor on In my articles, I share time-saving techniques, appliance wizardry, and health-friendly recipes to bring taste and wellness to your table. So raise a glass (or a spatula) with me, to good health and good food, made easy!