Can a Microwave Explode?

Microwaves are a powerful and convenient tool for heating food.

They operate by emitting electromagnetic waves that cause water molecules in your food to vibrate, producing heat.

As an electrical gadget, you may have concerns about the potential risks associated with microwave ovens.

Allow me to tell you all about if a microwave is safe, what causes it to turn dangerous, and how to prevent mishaps in the microwave.

How Does a Microwave Operate?

When you heat food in a microwave, you’re utilizing a fairly straightforward piece of technology that harnesses the power of electromagnetic radiation. 

At the heart of the microwave oven is a device called the magnetron. 

This component is crucial as it converts electric energy into microwaves, which are a form of electromagnetic waves.

These microwaves are then directed into the food compartment where they penetrate the food and interact with water molecules. 

The interaction causes these molecules to vibrate, and as they do so, energy in the form of heat is produced. 

It’s the vibration of water molecules that generates the heat necessary to warm up or cook your meal.

Microwave ovens are designed to be a quick and convenient way to heat food through this energy transfer. 

The effectiveness of this appliance depends on the ability of the food to absorb the microwaves and convert them into heat. 

The more water content a food item has, the more readily it will absorb these waves and heat up.

Watch the video below 

Can a Microwave Explode?

The answer is that while microwaves themselves typically do not explode, they can cause explosions if mishandled or if they malfunction.

Malfunctions in a microwave can lead to hazards such as fires or explosions. Faulty wiring is a common cause behind such incidents, as electrical issues can ignite a fire.

Placing metal inside the microwave can cause sparks and possible explosions. It is important to use microwave-safe containers to prevent this risk.

Certain foods, such as whole eggs or unpricked potatoes, can build up steam and burst, potentially causing damage to the microwave’s interior.

Regular maintenance is crucial in preventing explosive scenarios. Keeping the microwave’s interior clean and ensuring that the door seals properly can reduce the risk of malfunctions.

Watch the video below 

Also read: 10 Things You Should Never Put in the Microwave

What Causes the Microwave Oven to Explode?

When using a microwave oven, several factors can significantly increase the risk of explosion. 

These range from electrical problems to the misuse of the appliance with inappropriate materials or foods.

Faulty Wiring

Electrical issues such as faulty wiring can lead to hazardous conditions. In a microwave, these issues might not be evident until it’s too late. 

A damaged capacitor can cause a build-up of electrical energy, which may result in an explosive reaction if not maintained properly.

Microwaving Certain Foods

Some certain foods can intensify the pressure inside the oven, leading to an explosion. 

For instance, overheating beyond the recommended time or at too high a power level can cause such pressure build-up, especially in sealed containers like bottles or jars. Always ensure to open these containers with care.

Blocked or Damaged Parts

Microwave ovens rely on consistent airflow to operate safely. Blocked or damaged parts can prevent heat from escaping, which in turn increases internal pressure and the risk of an explosion. 

It’s vital to check that the vents are clear and the internal components, such as the magnetron or capacitor, are functioning correctly.

Metal or Incompatible Cookware

Using metal or incompatible cookware in your microwave is a common slip-up. 

Metallic objects can spark and cause a fire, while non-microwave-safe materials might melt or catch flame, leading to potential explosions.

Prolonged or Improper Operations

Finally, how you operate your microwave also matters. 

Prolonged or improper operations, such as running it empty or exceeding cooking times, can overwork the appliance’s elements, like the magnetron.

This increases the chances of an explosion due to overheating. 

Always adhere to suggested use guidelines.

Also read: Can Air Fryer Catch Fire or Explode?

Things That May Explode in a Microwave

Certain materials and foods have properties that make them unsafe for microwaving. Here’s a breakdown of items to avoid:


Metal objects in a microwave can cause sparks that may lead to a fire. 

This is because microwaves cause electric currents to flow through metal, potentially resulting in a phenomenon called arcing, which can cause microwave fires.


Certain plastics can release chemicals at high temperatures and potentially warp or melt, creating a fire risk. Always check that plastic containers are labeled as microwave-safe before use.

Paper Bags

Unlike microwave-safe parchment paper, paper bags are unsuitable for use in microwaves. 

They can catch fire or emit toxic fumes when heated due to the presence of ink, glue, and recycled materials.

Boiling Water

You must be wary of boiling water in a microwave. 

Overheating beyond the boiling point can lead to superheated water that can explosively erupt out of the container when moved, potentially causing burns.


Microwaving whole eggs with the shell intact can result in a steam buildup inside the shell until the egg explodes.

This can cause damage to your microwave or result in burns.

Hot Chillies

The capsaicin in hot chilies can become volatile and, if heated excessively, lead to unpleasant fumes or even a fire, posing a risk to your eyes and respiratory system.

Sauce/Dips Without a Lid

Any sauces or dips heated without a lid or proper cover can splatter or suddenly boil over.

This creates pressure buildup that may lead to a messy accident or cause damage to your microwave’s interior.

Watch the video here 

Also read: Can Instant Pot Explode?

How to Prevent Microwave Disasters?

Ensuring the safe use of your microwave involves a combination of following the manufacturer’s guidelines, using the right containers, and regular maintenance. 

These precautions can significantly reduce the risk of accidents.

Read the Guidelines

Before using your microwave, read the manufacturer’s guidelines to understand the dos and don’ts. 

This includes using surge protectors to defend against power surges and repairing any damage like frayed cords or malfunctioning buttons with the help of a qualified technician.

Use Only Microwave-Safe Containers

Always use microwave-safe containers to heat your food. Containers made of metal or certain plastics can spark and potentially cause a fire. 

Glass or ceramic dishes that are labeled microwave-safe are good choices.

Do Not Place Microwave Incompatible Foods

Some foods require special care or should not be microwaved at all, like whole eggs or sealed jars, as they can explode. 

Avoid microwave-incompatible foods to prevent pressure build-ups that could lead to a disaster.

Don’t Operate When Empty

Running a microwave empty can cause damage to the appliance, which may result in fire. 

The energy of the microwaves needs to be absorbed by the food; otherwise, it could be reflected and harm the microwave’s interior.

Proper Maintenance

Maintaining the structural integrity of your microwave is essential. Regularly check for physical damage on the door and seal. 

Cleaning your microwave after each use will prevent food particles from causing issues. Wipe down the interior and clean spills promptly to reduce the risk of combustion. 

Regular upkeep, such as looking for loose door hinges or any signs of wear, is crucial for continued safety.

Also read: Why do Pressure Cookers Explode?

What to Do in Case of Microwave Oven Fires

If you experience a fire in your microwave, take immediate and decisive action to manage the situation and ensure your safety:

Turn off the Microwave

This will cut off the heat source and possibly prevent further combustion. 

Do this by hitting the stop button or unplugging the microwave if it’s safe to reach the outlet without coming into contact with the fire.

Do Not Open the Door

Keep the microwave door closed. Introducing oxygen by opening the door could feed the fire and lead to a more serious situation, including a possible explosion.

Remove Inflammable Items

Quickly clear the area of anything combustible that could catch fire, such as paper towels, dishcloths, or curtains.

Extinguish the Flames (if Small and Manageable)

If the fire is small and contained within the microwave, you may be able to use a fire extinguisher to put it out. Only attempt this if you are confident it’s safe to do so.

Call for Help

If the fire is more than you can handle, or if you have any doubt about your ability to extinguish it yourself, evacuate everyone from the area and call emergency services right away.


Once the fire is out and it’s safe to do so, dispose of the food that was in the microwave during the incident. 

It is likely contaminated by smoke or chemicals from the fire suppression efforts.

For your kitchen’s fire safety, be sure to have a working smoke detector and fire extinguisher. 

Regular maintenance checks and adhering to proper usage guidelines are crucial steps in preventing microwave fires and potential microwave explosions. 

Remember, if you’re ever unsure or feel that the situation is too dangerous, prioritize your safety and call for professional help immediately.

Also read: Can You Microwave Aluminum Takeout Containers?

Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you’ll find answers to some common questions about microwave safety.

How Long Can You Microwave Empty?

You should never microwave an appliance empty. Doing so can cause damage to the microwave itself. 

The manufacturer recommends against this practice as it can lead to a microwave explosion due to the microwaves reflecting off the interior surfaces and potentially causing a fire.

What Happens When You Microwave Aluminum Foil?

Microwaving aluminum foil can cause sparks and even a fire. The metal can reflect microwaves, which may lead to arcing and a possible fire. 

It’s always best to refer to your microwave’s manufacturer’s instructions for materials that are safe to use.

What Happens if You Run Your Microwave Too Long?

Running your microwave for an extended period, especially at high power, can cause overheating and could damage the appliance. 

Excessive heating without a cup of water or food to absorb the energy can lead to a fire or explosion.

What Is the Popping Noise in the Microwave?

A popping noise in a microwave typically results from water or moisture in the food rapidly turning into steam. 

Sometimes, it’s simply the food item or packaging adjusting to the heat. It’s usually benign but always keep an ear out for irregular sounds.

What Happens if I Leave a Metal Spoon Inside a Microwave?

Placing a metal spoon inside a microwave can cause sparks and potentially damage the microwave’s interior or even start a fire. 

Metal reflects microwaves, which can create arcing and may lead to a power surge or fire, so it’s advisable to avoid it.

Can a Microwave Explode With Nothing in It?

An empty microwave can potentially explode if it’s operated without anything to absorb the microwaves. 

When there’s nothing inside to heat, the microwaves bounce around the cavity and can cause severe damage or a microwave explosion. 

Always ensure there’s at least a microwave-safe container with liquid or food in it when in use.

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I’m Jueria and I am a regular contributor on In my articles, I share time-saving techniques, appliance wizardry, and health-friendly recipes to bring taste and wellness to your table. So raise a glass (or a spatula) with me, to good health and good food, made easy!